
Telford & Wrekin Council provides an education safeguarding service for schools in Telford and Wrekin, other educational providers, academies and schools in other local authority areas. This service includes both group and bespoke training and consultancy.

Training is provided in line with the requirements of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’, ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ and 'Working Together to Safeguarding Children'. All our training includes information on local perspective and pathways, including the expectations of local safeguarding partnerships.

The service is led by a small team of staff with many years of experience in education settings and expertise in safeguarding.

What we offer?

Education Safeguarding provide specialist training, advice, guidance, resources and consultancy to all schools, colleges and early years settings.

Our services include:

  • Professional advice and support to schools, including whole school safeguarding reviews
  • A service level agreement for all education settings 
  • Training and continued professional development
  • Traded support

Why choose us?

  • We are committed to school improvement and see safeguarding as intrinsic to this.
  • We have participated in a number of Serious Case reviews and have supported a number of sub groups from the Telford & Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership.
  • Our experiences mean we bring a knowledge and understanding of local processes and work with pupils who are vulnerable and at risk of disengagement and exploitation.
  • We are passionate about keeping children safe in education.
  • We have experience of, and an up-to-date knowledge of, inspection frameworks and how to promote a strong safeguarding culture in education settings.
  • The team have experience of being a local experienced head teacher, managing early help & intergrated children's services, careers adviser, therapeutic play services, inspection work and as education advisers.
  • We are all experienced trainers, having delivered a range of safeguarding courses.

Meet The Team

Please click here if you wish to meet the team.


Education Safeguarding Team
01952 380861
[email protected]

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