Multicultural Development Team (MDT)

What we offer

MDT provides specialist EAL teaching and assessment. It also provides training, support and guidance for schools and early years settings in:

  • working with pupils who have English as an Additional Language including those who are newly arrived from overseas;
  • raising the attainment of ethnic minority pupils who are at risk of underachieving;
  • meeting OFSTED expectations with regards to British Values, Cultural Capital and equalities and diversity;
  • tackling racism and promoting equality of opportunity for all pupils;
  • the promotion of all pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development as well as providing support to promote behaviour and attitudes of pupils to enhance their understanding of tolerance and respect.

We also deliver modules on EAL and Equalities & Diversity for initial teacher training providers.

Why choose us?

We provide:

  • A wealth of experience of working in schools and early years settings of all kinds across Telford and Wrekin, Shropshire and beyond. Over the years we have built up strong long-term working relationships with a large number of education providers;
  • Expertise in assessing the language skills of pupils learning EAL and providing appropriate advice to school staff;
  • A wide knowledge of the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of minority ethnic and bilingual pupils;
  • Expertise in facilitating communication between schools / settings and families;,
  • Knowledge of local school contexts that helps us to tailor our teaching, training and consultancy programmes to suit the needs of their audiences.

Meet The Team

If you wish to meet the team, please click here

Contact & Location

Please click here for the contact and location information

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