Information for Schools

Telford EPS works directly with local schools, nursery and colleges to support children and young people. Schools can commission our work by directly contacting the SEND team. As part of our support, a link Educational Psychologist will work directly within the educational setting.

Within our work with schools, we provide collaborative working with teachers and parents, regarding learning, behaviour, wellbeing or specific learning difficulties to help contribute to the school’s graduated response. This can take many forms but can include:


We meet with families, staff and young people to jointly formulate and solve problems. Click here for more information about consultation at Telford EPS.


The Educational Psychology Service offers a wide range of training for educational staff. This can include Autism awareness for teachers, ELSA training, emotional coaching, attachment or training on specific interventions. For information on what training we offer, contact your link EP

Organisational Development

 EPs apply a range of psychological models to whole school approaches and can support with behaviour, Autism, practice in the early years foundation stage, and pupil and staff wellbeing policies. EPs can support in a wide range of organisational development, which can be discussed with the school’s link EP.

Teacher Drop ins

 Educational psychologists can facilitate teacher drop in sessions, which is open to all teachers within the setting to discuss and reflect on problems and their practice. Drop ins can also be used to support staff wellbeing.

Learning Interventions

 Eps offer support, training and advice on interventions with individual or groups of children to support their learning in various areas of the curriculum. Some examples of interventions we support with are precision teaching and direct instruction for early reading. Please contact your link EP for a discussion on the range of interventions that can support young people’s learning.

Group and Whole Class Interventions

The EPS can support and facilitate a range of group interventions to support children with social, emotion and academic development. Our service regularly offers support in facilitating Circle of Friends (see below).


 We can support staff through supervision, which is a space to reflect critically on practice. We currently offer the Supervision of ELSA’s.

Additional Support

  • Schools can contact us for support regarding Critical incident and Bereavement following a child or adult death.
  • We provide Statutory guidance to the Local Authority to contribute to the Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (ECHNA) process, through our team and locum psychologists. Find out more information about Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP) by visiting the local offer.
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