Recycling Services

What we offer

The Recycling and Waste Team can provide a competitive recycling collection from your school premises. We offer a fortnightly collection of plastic, cans, glass, paper and cardboard collected in wheelie bins.

For more information on prices and containers and to join our collection services, please use the “get in touch” link on the top right of this page.

In addition to recycling collections, we offer the Junior Street Champion scheme - a set of free workshops for primary schools. The workshops support the curriculum and teach children about the importance of recycling and looking after the environment.

Workshops offered

    • The R Team: Recycle. KS2. We start with the most familiar R - recycle. Within Jo’s school today, pupils will learn how to recycle at home, what happens to recycling and why it is important to recycle. They will also learn about littering; how much waste is created and consider what they can do to make a difference.
    • The R Team: Reuse. KS2. Pupils go with Jo to the supermarket and on a camping trip to learn how reusing can make a difference and think what they could reuse. Along the way they will learn about climate change, do some math, and contemplate how they could persuade others to reuse more.
    • The R Team: Reducing waste. KS2. Join Jo in town to explore the difference between needs and wants. Pupils can debate whether Jo should buy new trainers, then reflect on their own needs, and wants, and understand how less is more for the environment.
    • The R Team: Energy Recovery (what happens to the red top bin waste). KS2. This is a classroom workshop. Pupils learn what happens to their non-recyclable/ red top bin waste, which is incinerated and creates electricity as a by-product. They can reflect on how this compares to previous ways of dealing with waste and consider ideas for using the heat left over from the process.
    • Recycling Workshop KS1 or 2. Interactive workshop learning why we recycle as well as what materials can be recycled and which container they go in at home.
    • Assembly.  KS1 or 2, Giving an overview of why and how to recycle.
    • Munch and the Funny Tummy. EYFS/ KS1. A story session for younger children to learn what recycling is and why we do it, through the story of a special truck called Munch.
    • Reuse workshop. KS2. This workshop encourages children to see waste in a whole new light, looking at a variety of everyday objects, assessing the properties of the materials they are made from and challenging them to think of new uses for the objects.
    • The Lunch Box Challenge. KS2. Reflect on how much waste is created with a packed lunch - what can be done to reduce how much waste is created?
    • Our Streets: - In this outdoor litter picking session children will learn about environmental hazards on our streets and how to report them. Learning and reflection points include fly tipping, dog fouling, vandalism, litter, and graffiti.
    • Litterbugs.  EYFS/KS1The Litterbugs workshop encourages younger children to understand why it’s wrong to drop litter. They also learn that the right thing to do is to put rubbish in the bin, and that some items could be recycled into new things - helping the planet stay healthy
    • (Learn about and have a go at composting - a compost bin is available for the school).
    • The Recycling Process. (Site visit to see how the purple top bin recycling is sorted with the latest technology including magnets, before being baled up to go to its next destination)
    • The Magic of Energy from Waste. Site visit for KS2 children to visit the Energy Recovery Facility. This is a site visit to see the process by which the red top (non-recyclable) bin waste is burnt and creates electricity as a by-product.


      All the workshops are free of charge however we do ask that you provide your own transport to the site visits. On completion of a number of workshops the school will be presented with the Junior Street Champions accreditation certificate.

       For more information on the workshops please contact Ruth Jones - [email protected]

Why choose us?

Our collection service:

  • Offers excellent value for money
  • Mirrors the existing household collection making it easy to use

Existing customers

If you are already receiving a recycling collection and need to report a missed collection please visit our website or use the MyTelford app.


[email protected]


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