Health and Safety Training

To book a place on any of these courses, please contact:

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Tel: 01952 383627

Aim - To give an understanding of the legal requirements for display screen equipment work (i.e. work with computers) to be assessed and to learn and practice the techniques for carrying these out.

Benefits - Course participants will be able to:

  • Identify the hazards arising from using display screen equipment.
  • Carry out assessments of display screen equipment work stations.
  • Set up a work station correctly
  • Advise on improvements.
  • Advise on the management of display screen equipment users.
  • Advise on your organisations eye test procedures.
  • Understand the risks associated with dynamic working

Style: Tutor input, group discussion and practical exercises.

Who attends? : Managers, supervisors or nominated employees who need to become DSE assessors.

Aim - The Event safety training course will help anyone organising an event, to understand their duty to plan, manage and monitor the event and to make sure that workers and the visiting public are not exposed to health and safety risks, there is a practical element to the course that will enable you to:

  • Understand the necessary licenses/ inspection certificates/insurances and registrations
  • Consider the public are safe – that they are not exposed to fear alarm of physical harm
  • Ensure adequate welfare provisions are provided
  • Consider the emergency arrangements that need to be place and consider if any road closures that may need to be applied for
  • Provide employees/volunteers/ stewards/ marshals with sufficient information /training and supervision to undertake their role

Benefits - This course will enable Event Organisers to:

  • Understand legal responsibility for running events
  • Be able to identify control measures and manage safety risks
  • Implement advice given by the Emergency services
  • Understand what document is required to run a safe event
  • Understand the role of the an Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG)
  • Know where and who to go for further safety information

The Event safety training course will help anyone organising an event, to understand their duty to plan, manage and monitor the event and to make sure that workers and the visiting public are not exposed to health and safety risks.

Target Audience: Governors of Academes, trust run schools and committees with responsibility for health and safety.

Aim - This course is designed to provide health and safety advice and support to governors, to enable them to help the school comply with their legal responsibilities. Advice will include how the governing body can plan for the school to implement the health and safety policy, by setting objectives and performance standards and monitoring of the process.

Benefits - By the end of the course, participants will:

  • have an overview of the legal responsibilities for health and safety
  • have an understanding of how health and safety law is enforced and what the Health and Safety Executive see as current priorities for schools
  • have an understanding of the role of the health and safety audit
  • have a clear understanding of the school’s and the governors’ responsibilities for health and safety
  • understand the importance of risk assessment
  • be able to set performance objectives
  • know what support is available to the school

Aim - To give an overview for Building managers’ legal responsibilities for health and safety, how to carry these out and the assistance available to do this.

Benefits -Course participants will learn:

  • A building managers legal responsibilities for health and safety
  • Health and safety building management within your building
  • The support available to the building manager.
  • Policies, risk assessment, monitoring, record keeping, training, accidents, emergencies and ill health.
  • Building health and safety risks
    • Legionella
    • Welfare
    • Internal areas
    • External areas
    • Asbestos
    • Fire safety management
    • Utilities
    • Maintenance and contractors
    • General building safety and security
  • Health and safety audits and building checklists

Aim - The investigating accidents and incidents training will give you a broad understanding of the principles of an investigation process, looking at the benefits of prevention with the emphasis on practical training exercises and real-life case studies.

Benefits - It will enable you to meet your moral and legal obligations to investigate accidents and incidents and assist compliance with relevant legislation, including RIDDOR (1995).

  • Principles of incident investigation
  • Benefits of incident prevention – Immediate, underlying and root causes. Basic concepts of human factors
  • Accident investigation techniques - What to do immediately after an accident.
  • Stages of accident investigation:
    • Step 1: Gather the information
    • Step 2: Analyse the information
    • Step 3: Identify risk control measures
    • Step 4: Implement the action plan
  • Reporting incidents under RIDDOR
  • Sentencing Guidelines
  • Practical exercises and case studies

The course is aimed at:

  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Head Teachers
  • Business Managers
  • Anyone with a role or responsibility in an accident/incident process.

Aim - To give an understanding of how Legionella grows and causes infection and the measures to take to control it.

Objectives - Participants will:

  • Identify and describe the six things needed to be known about legionella
  • Understand the principles behind the practical control measures
  • Be able to describe the practical control measures needed on hot and cold water systems
  • Understand how and where to take temperatures on hot and cold water systems
  • Understand what temperatures are satisfactory and for those that are unsatisfactory what to do next
  • Understand the companies’ water systems management policy
  • Identifying risks for your company

Course Outline:

    • Introduction and domestic arrangements
    • What do you know already?
      • Complying with the law – L8 ACOP
      • Identify and assessing water risks
      • Nominating a responsible person for your site
      • Preventing and controlling risks
      • Keeping correct records

Aim - To give an overview of the managers legal responsibilities for health and safety, how to carry these out and the assistance available to do this.

Benefits - Course participants will learn:

  • A managers legal responsibilities for health and safety
  • How health and safety law is enforced
  • How health and safety is managed within your company
  • About policies, consultation, risk assessment, monitoring, record keeping, training, accidents, emergencies and ill health.

Style:Interactive lecturing and exercises.

Who attends? Directors, Managers, team leaders, supervisors and employees with a role within health & safety

Aim - The course aims to provide a refresher on key health and safety issues for managers and nominated employees who have undertaken “Managing Health and Safety” (or equivalent training) three or more years ago.

Benefits - Course participants will:

  • Be able to assess how recent/forthcoming changes to Health & Safety law and policy will affect their workplace and practices.
  • Be reminded of their legal responsibilities for health and safety and how the law is enforced.
  • Review how their management of health and safety contributes to the strategy for managing health and safety within your organisation
  • Be given an opportunity to explore further any areas of health and safety that are a cause for concern.

Style: Tutor input, group discussions and practical exercises.

Who should attend? The course is available for Directors, Managers, team leaders, and key staff with health and safety responsibilities who have completed the Manager’s Role in Health and Safety (or equivalent) three or more years ago).

Aim - To give an understanding of the legal requirements for risk assessments and to learn and practice the techniques for carrying these out.

To ensure that staff expected to carry out risk assessments are competent in the principles of the Risk Assessment process and competent in the carrying out and recording of Risk Assessments.

Benefits - Course participants will:

  • Be able to identify hazards that require risk assessment.
  • Be able to systematically carry out risk assessments.
  • Be able to select appropriate control measures.
  • Be able to monitor the effectiveness of control measures.
  • Understand the limits of their competence and where they will need further assistance.
  • Understand the difference of:
    • GENERIC Risk assessment (An assessment of general risks within the work you do) and DYNAMIC Risk assessment (A continual assessment whilst doing a task)

Style : Tutor input, group discussions and practical exercises.

Who attends? Managers and those assisting them in carrying out risk assessments.

Aim - To ensure that as Teachers and Teaching assistants are aware of the principles of the Risk Assessment process and competent in the carrying out and recording of Risk Assessments under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999.

Benefits - Course participants will:

  • Be able to identify hazards in school that require risk assessments
  • Be able to systematically carry out risk assessments
  • Be able to select appropriate control measures
  • Be able to monitor the effectiveness of control measures
  • Be able to identify control measures
  • Understand the limits of their competence and where they will need further assistance
  • Understand the difference between GENERIC Risk assessment (An assessment of general risks within the work you do) and DYNAMIC Risk assessment (A continual assessment whilst doing a task)

Style: Tutor input, group discussions and practical exercises.Participants will complete a risk assessment using case studies.

Aim - The session will help you identify and look at your outdoor play equipment's basic condition, especially faults due to recent vandalism, breakages and cleanliness of the playground.

Benefits - It will include:

  • Practical advice on how to carry out an inspection on play equipment and reporting process
  • Advice on reporting of defects
  • Practical workshop on site to ensure staff that have been nominated are competent to carry out daily/weekly inspections, record findings and understand importance of reporting defects
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